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Enduro Magazine Australia Reviews the Blast

The premier Australian marathon magazine, Enduro has reviewed our Blast. Who does not love the Blast ? Grab Issue #24 of Enduro Magazine and read about it, plus lots of other great reads, including an in-depth interview with Paul van der Ploeg, great race reportage from 24-hour events, high profile marathons and from the emerging gravity enduro race format.

You can read the review over here. But we thoroughly advise you pickup your own hard copy - nothing compares the feel of a good quality magazine!!

Big thanks to the crew at Enduro magazine for their massive efforts in creating issue #24 and of course taking the time to review our bikes.

"Combined with the stiff frameset and relatively low weight, the Blast is an enthusiastic bike to ride"

"The Blast can scratch it's way up some very ugly climbs"

"It's in these smaller details that you can appreciate the bike's overall quality. The parts are are all rock solid"

".....It's a heck of a lot of fun to ride"

".....riding the Blast was for us the perfect antidote to some of the dull and trail-numbing 29ers we’ve been on lately"