Solo Bici 254: The MSC Blast is Incredibly Effective.

Photography by Sebas Romero

Photography by Sebas Romero

Producing a beautiful product can seem easy, but it's in fact something extremely complex. Achieving the perfect harmony between beauty and function is a job that deserves to be recognized.

Less than a month ago we published the test from the French magazine VTT Mag where they praised the bikes versatility and performance. One month later we've have received the review from ever popular European Solo Bici magazine (July Edition) in which they have done an excellent article where they put the Blast to test. In brief Solo Bici expresses the Blast's exceptional pedalling efficiency and chassis stiffness combined with its fantastic aesthetics with a high quality component spec completing the job with very minimal weight (10.88kg). Not only has the Blast scored great numbers in the recent magazine test but true to our racing heritage, the Blast truly performs at another level with the newly crowned 2012 Euskadi Champion, Patxi Cia and his amazing 6 podium wins for the first half of this year!

"The effectiveness of the bike was astonishing. Everything has been thought aiming that goal, and no doubt MSC has achieved it"

Since the very first sketches of the Blast we knew it would be a special bike, a model that would define our present and future. Counting Patxi Cia's results as victorys and the specialized press' response when they test it fills us with pride.

MSC and competition have always gone hand in hand and 10 years later its imprinted in our DNA. In the article Solo Bici confirms the Blast's heritage and the race-winner it has become. They highlight the great rigidity of the frame and the quality of the components, resulting in a balanced and versatile bike.

"AMADE-MSC: Perfect marriage"

Completing the fabulous test, Solo Bici was present months ago along with MSC on AMADE (Analysis and Advanced Materials for Structural Design) facilities in Girona when the Blast was under developement to monitor the study of the carbon frame.

Now, along with the bike's test, Solo Bici publishes the write-up about AMADE's work in collaboration with MSC. The text also contains an interview with Marc Gascons i Tarrés, responsible for the Mechanics Engineering department where he answes questions about the procedures and philosophy and the relation with MSC.

2012 has definitely been an exciting year for MSC Bikes and especially the Blast bike. The awards keeping flowing in, the excellent reviews and high praise keep growing. If you own a quality bikeshop in Australia or New Zealand and would like to experience the performance of the Blast, and truly see how special this bike is, please contact us for information and future demo dates.

You can download the review and report from Solo Bici July 2012.

Solo Bici July 2012 - Blast R Review (Spanish)

Solo Bici July 2012 - Testing with Amade (Spanish)